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Nexys is a logging service that will enable to review your errors, metrics and much more in production applications. Nexys will gather all device data automatically (screen size, user agent, device memory, language, connection type, geolocation if permitted, etc.) Also, Nexys will gather all errors on your production application, reports them to dashboard automatically. You can examine each error and log's stack trace, which file it occurred and many more details.

We currently support all JavaScript frameworks and libraries. You can use Nexys with React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, etc. We are still working on localStorage support for React Native & NodeJS.

Nexys collects your client's data by how you configured it. Nexys is highly customizable and can be configured to collect any data you want. You can collect user data, or you can send them anonymously, or you can send them both. Nexys is a privacy-first analytics platform, and we don't collect any data from your users without your permission.

We know that you want to focus on your product and not on analytics. That's why we made Nexys as simple as possible. You can integrate Nexys with your product in less than 5 minutes. You can use our Javascript Library.